Friday, 7 December 2012

Ingrown Pubic Hairs: Treatment And Prevention

Most boys grow their first pubic hair around age 10. By the time these boys reach maturity, they may find that they have more hairs than they can handle, and they may reach for razors to trim back that hair and provide a more pleasant aesthetic appearance. Unfortunately, shaving pubic hairs can lead to painful ingrown hairs that can be difficult to treat. By following a few basic grooming tips, and maintaining proper penis care on a day-to-day basis, men can keep these bumps from forming while maintaining a pleasant appearance.

Pubic Hair Follicle Shape

Ingrown hairs can form anywhere on the human body, but hairs that are tightly twisted and curled tend to be most prone to problematic growth. When these hairs are cut, the sliced edge is quite sharp, and the twisting shape of the follicle can allow these sharp hairs to turn back and grow into the skin. Tools used to cut these susceptible hairs can cause additional damage, especially if these tools tend to pull the hair up before it's cut. Hairs that are cut when pulled out of the body can snap back underneath the skin and start growing without piercing the skin again.

Common Symptoms

Pain frequently accompanies an ingrown hair, especially if the immune system chooses to treat that hair as a foreign invader. People with infected ingrown pubic hairs may experience pus-filled lesions that itch or throb with pain. Some men avoid infections, but they might develop red bumps that simply won't disappear.

It's important to note that red lumps and bumps that appear on the shaft or the tip of the penis are not related to ingrown hairs. These bumps might be caused by a rash, or they might also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases or penile cancer. It's best to bring these lesions to the attention of a doctor right away.

Treating Ingrown Hairs

Infections are best treated with the help of a doctor. The lesions can be lanced and drained, and antibiotics can help to keep the infection from spreading. People who don't have infections, however, might be able to treat their bumps at home by:
• Applying a warm compress to the area
• Using an exfoliating soap or scrub to remove dead skin
• Grasping the ingrown hair with tweezers and gently pulling the hair out
• Wearing loose undergarments to allow the area to heal

Preventing Future Problems

Using scissors to trim pubic hair, rather than relying on razors to do the job, can be an excellent way to prevent future ingrown hairs from forming. Scissors don't cut the hair quite as close as other methods, and scissors also don't tend to scrape and abrade the skin that supports that hair. The trim might not be as close to the skin as some men might like, but the reduced risk of infections and pain might be an appropriate tradeoff.

Those who do choose to shave should take care to use shaving cream and a single-blade razor. The shaving cream can lubricate the skin and soften the hair, making the curls easier to remove and less likely to turn inward. The single blade razor cuts the hair only once, rather than pulling the hair up before it's cut, and this can also lower the risk of ingrown hairs.

Paying attention to the skin of the penis and groin area is also important, as soft, supple skin is less likely to develop abrasions and infections. Using a penis health crème that contains essential vitamins and minerals (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help men develop skin that's more responsive and more resilient.

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