Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Can a Penis Health Crème Recharge a Boring Sex Routine

Even when it comes to erotic activity, it seems like there can be just too much of a good thing; both with self-pleasuring and partner play, it is easy to get into a rut, doing the same thing the same way every time; after a while, the thrill wears off, and it may seem like there is just less pleasure in the act. But with the right vitamins and minerals, which can be found in high-quality penis health crèmes, men who are not getting everything they should out of their erotic activity may find themselves experiencing more sensual pleasure than ever.

Why doesn’t it feel as good as it used to?

The answer here is really quite simple. Just like other parts of the body that are exposed to rubbing and chafing, the skin of the penis builds up a thickened outer layer that is meant to protect the underlying dermal cells from further damage, but can actually reduce the ability of the erogenous tissue to respond to stimulation. When guys get into a routine, either with self-pleasuring or with a partner, the constant friction can result in areas of diminished sensitivity on the penis.

On top of this, the constant friction can cause peripheral damage to the underlying neural tissue, and without proper nutrient support, these nerve cells are not able to regenerate quickly, resulting in some degree of sensation loss.

What guys can do to rediscover that feeling

In order to get the sensation back and restore enjoyment in sensuality, there are several things that men can do, at any age.

First, it is important to remember that sensual experience has a lot to do with mental stimulation. Arousal and the intensity of pleasure increase with visualization – so picturing erotic activity and using the imagination can significantly increase gratification. Second, varying the routine can help to put interest and excitement back into the act. And finally, taking care of the penis skin is necessary in order to maintain its youthful, supple tone and keep sensitivity at optimum levels.

Nutrition for the penis – how vitamins and other nutrients improve overall sensitivity

As with all of the other organs of the body, the penis requires proper nutrition to keep it functioning properly. The following nutrients have been tied through research to numerous penis benefits:

• Alpha lipoic acid – An important enzyme related to cell metabolism, this amino acid helps to maintain healthy circulation, nourishing the skin and nerve tissue and helping it to regenerate after minor damage, as well as protecting against oxidation, which can lead to destruction of skin cells.

• Vitamin A – Keeps the skin blemish-free and works to slow the effects of aging, maintaining skin and nerve health.

• Vitamin B5 – Speeds healing and supports general cellular function.

• Vitamin E – creates a natural moisture barrier that protects the skin from dehydration and keeps it fresh, healthy and responsive to touch.

• Vitamin C – One of the most important vitamins; helps to speed healing, protect against environmental contaminants, and promote healthy circulation in the blood vessels of the penis.

• Shea butter – while not a nutrient per se, this all-natural moisturizer contains numerous nourishing molecules which help to maintain healthy skin, protect against drying and friction, and support healing and overall skin health.

Nourishment for the penis – using a penis health crème

Keeping the penis properly nourished plays a big role in maintaining a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Treating the penile skin with a penis health formula (men’s health advocates recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing the ingredients described here may help to improve the overall tone and texture of the penis skin and promote the responsiveness of the erogenous tissue to sexual stimulation.

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