Friday, 30 March 2012

How Penis Health Can Benefit From Vitamin D Creme

For men of all ages (as well as women), Vitamin D stands out as one of the most important nutrients; it has even been referred to as a “miracle vitamin” by some health experts. This essential vitamin is needed to fight disease, help the body heal after injury, and maintain overall good health; in addition, it provides a number of important penis health benefits that most men are not aware of. Read on to find out more about the penis effects of vitamin D.

What is vitamin D?

Although the name suggests otherwise, vitamin D is not actually a true vitamin, but a type of steroid hormone that plays a crucial role in human development. Vitamin D is produced in the skin cells in the presence of ultraviolet light from the sun; it is also produced in the liver and may be present in certain food items, such as fortified breads and cereals, milk and other dairy products, and cod liver oil. Nutritional supplements often contain vitamin D, as well, although whether over-the-counter oral preparations provide any real benefit is subject to some debate. Vitamin D deficiencies are not uncommon, especially among individuals who have darker skin or live in geographic regions that do not get a lot of sunlight year round.

What are the specific health benefits of vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an important role in normal metabolic function, as well as helping the body to fight off disease and to heal after injury. With powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin D is known to protect the body against cancer caused by environmental contaminants. Citing the benefits of this essential substance, Dr. John Whitcomb of the Aurora Sinai Medical Center reveals that "I believe [vitamin D] is the number one public health advance in medicine in the last twenty years." Individuals who do not have adequate levels of vitamin D may be prone to numerous health problems due to reduced immune function and inability of the body to repair cell damage that results from injury, surgery, or environmental contaminants.

What are the greatest penis health benefits of vitamin D?

The skin of the penis is fairly delicate, and as most men know, it can be subjected to some rough treatment. Tiny cracks in the skin’s surface may result from friction related to aggressive masturbation or sex; in addition, soaps and laundry detergents may have a drying, damaging effect. When this occurs, tiny fissures may appear in the skin’s surface, allowing bacterial and fungal infections to develop and cause redness, soreness, rash, flaking, and other uncomfortable skin issues. Vitamin D, with its known ability to promote healing and repair of damaged skin cells, as well as its anti-oxidant, disease-fighting properties, can help to maintain smooth and healthy skin and to promote healing when damage does occur.

How can a guy protect penis health using vitamin D?

Although many dietary supplements contain a preparation of vitamin D, the nutrients in oral supplements are not always well-absorbed, and they are often simply broken down and excreted from the body as waste. Applying a specialized penis formula containing vitamin D, as well as other penis-specific vitamins, minerals and enzymes such as vitamin A, vitamin E, acetyl L carnitine, and more, may help to improve the skin tone and elasticity of the penis and prevent common genital skin disorders. The benefits provided by these nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), as a penis treatment which is topically applied ensures that this sensitive area receives the maximum benefits from these penis-specific nutrients.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Red, Irritated Penis Skin - How to Treat It, How to Avoid It

It is a natural reaction for men to worry if they start noticing their penis skin becoming red and irritated. The usual culprits for these skin conditions are frequent masturbation or aggressive sex that can result in red, irritated penis skin. However, an inflammation of the penile glans (often referred to as balanitis) is quite common. It is predominantly a condition seen in young boys under and men who have not been circumcised. Red, irritated penis skin is also less common in men who use a penis health creme on a regular basis to protect their penis from irritation and redness.

What Other Symptoms May Be Noticed?

As well as the penile skin become red and irritated, men with the condition may notice their penis becoming particularly sensitive and sore. The redness may be seen in an isolated area or it may affect the whole glans of the penis. There may also be a thick discharge emanating from the penis, which many men mistakenly take to mean they have contracted an STD, while pain during urination and a loss of the ability to pull back the foreskin may also be experienced.

What Causes These Symptoms?

There may be a number of reasons why the penis skin becomes red and irritated:

- Lack of proper hygiene - irritation of the penis can be exasperated by not properly washing and maintaining care of the penis. Excess smegma can form around the base of the glans if it is not cleaned properly and can cause redness and irritation, particularly if the foreskin is tight

- STDs - although it is possible for conditions like herpes and gonorrhoea to cause balanitis, they are not usually the root cause. Many men often worry needlessly that their symptoms are the result of a contracted STD, when usually it is some other minor reason that is causing the problem

- Infection - aside from STD infection, other fungal diseases can cause problems. Candida is a small bacterium that lives on the skin and can lead to balanitis in men (it is also the same bacteria that causes women to suffer from vaginal thrush). These bacterial infections may often be sped up due to a number of factors - for example, if a man has diabetes or a pre-existing allergy, balanitis may occur quicker

- Bodily and chemical irritants - lack of a proper hygiene regime may cause sweat and other bodily fluids to build up around the glans, leading to it becoming inflamed. Additionally, many men experience the problem when they switch to a new soap, as the chemicals in the product can have an irritating effect on the penile skin. Spermicides and other powerful chemicals found on condoms may exasperate an existing redness or irritation as well.

How Is A Disease Diagnosed?

General practice is for a doctor to use a swab directly under the penis. This swab is then tested for infections while the patient may also be given a diabetes test. Occasionally, referral to a penis specialist may be required.

How Do You Prevent These Symptoms?

As mentioned previously, keeping the penis clean and hygienic is the best way to prevent redness and irritation. Men who are prone to these symptoms should also try using a condom designed for sensitive skin, and condoms should NEVER be used more than once. There are also various penis emollients and creams that can soothe penile redness and irritation. For example, the penis specific vitamins and minerals that make up Man1 Man Oil can help protect the penis from infection and various other diseases, as well as ensure the penis skin does not become red and irritated.


John Dugan writes articles on men's health for print and web publications. For additional expert information on penis health visit the website .

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Using a Nutrient Rich Penis Creme Is Miracle for Penis Health

Men of all ages are likely to encounter one of several common penis problems from time to time; diminished penis sensitivity, dry penis skin, redness, soreness, rash, and fungal infections are among some of the most frequent complaints when it comes to the skin of the penis. Fortunately, most of these issues are easily treated and can be prevented with the right penis health care. Using specialized penis crèmes (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which contain several penis-specific vitamins and minerals, can improve the skin condition of the penis and promote overall penis health. The nutrients listed below are believed to have numerous beneficial properties that can help heal and prevent common skin issues. Be sure to select a penis health crème that contains many of these ingredients.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has proven results when it comes to maintaining healthy skin; this important nutrient is used in numerous skin care and cosmetic products and has been shown to promote healing, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and to maintain smooth, healthy skin.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is known as a “life-sustaining’ nutrient that works to fight off disease and infection, repair skin cells after injury, protect the body from the effects of aging, and promote clear, blemish-free skin.

Vitamin C

In addition to its well-known capacity to help fight disease and prevent cell damage from free radicals, vitamin C is an important component in collagen, the structural tissue that gives skin its elasticity and tone.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that is not readily available in the average diet. This essential vitamin helps the body to fight off infections, including common infections that may result from chafing, drying and cracking of the skin’s surface. Vitamin D has also been recognized as an important agent for skin cell repair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is perhaps best known for its moisturizing properties; many cosmetics and healing skin creams are manufactured with vitamin E. In addition, this nutrient has antioxidant properties which help to fight off the harmful environmental elements known as free radicals, which have been linked to cancer and other serious health conditions.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is a popular and highly effective all-natural moisturizer which is produced by the fruit of the shea tree. Shea butter can be found in many high-quality skin treatment products and has been shown to promote healing and maintain overall healthy skin.

Acetyl L Carnitine

Amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine are important building blocks that are needed for the formation of new skin and nerve cells, as well as for repairing damage caused by chafing and friction. Roughened, dry skin can lead to reduced penis sensation; treating the skin with preparations containing acetyl L carnitine may help to prevent this common issue.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is another essential amino acid that plays an important role in repairing cell damage; as an antioxidant, it protects the skin cells against environmental contaminants and helps to rebuild damaged tissue, leading to smoother, healthier skin.


L-Arginine, like many of the other ingredients described here, plays an important role in repairing damaged skin cells. In addition, it helps to promote healthy blood vessels, allowing for improved circulation and permitting healthy oxygenation of the skin.

Treating the skin of the penis with a specialized formula containing these essential ingredients may provide important penis health benefits and prevent common problems such as diminished penis sensation, dry or reddened skin, rash, soreness and tenderness, and bacterial or fungal infections. These nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health creme is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness. These penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids provide numerous benefits that can lead an overall improvement in skin health.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Penis Health Care - Should Women Take Control

There is nothing more disappointing than being in the mood for some fun with your partner and then discovering that his equipment just isn't available. It is not so much a matter of him not being able to perform, but more an issue of him having dry penis skin, which can cause a loss of penile sensitivity. In addition to dry skin a man can develop, as a result of frequent masturbation, red, irritated penis skin which looks unsightly and can be a turn-off, but it can also lower a man's libido with him left feeling embarrassed and possibly inadequate.

Therefore, it could be time for women to take control and help their men with the care of their guy’s penis so that they have more fun in the bedroom and eliminate any health issues, such as loss of penis sensitivity. This can be done by using a penis health creme that can restore damaged penis skin to a healthy state. In fact, any creme which contains penis specific vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids can make dry penis skin and red, irritated penis skin soft and silky to the touch. This, in turn, then increases sensitivity and makes fun in the bedroom much more exciting for the guy and gal..

Causes of dry penis skin and red, irritated penis skin and loss of penile sensitivity

There are many causes for red, irritated penis skin. However, most people assume that this is related to STDs or other illnesses, rather than everyday activity. So, while STDs do cause epidermal issues, the majority of the time penile skin conditions are the result of a lack of care or an inability to notice changes.

The 8 most significant dry penis skin and red, irritated penis skin causes are as follows:

1. Failure to use a lubricant during sex -- intercourse and masturbation

2. The wearing of underwear that rubs or chafes the skin

3. An allergic reaction to a new soap or washing powder

4. A skin condition such as psoriasis or eczema

5. A change in skin PH levels

6. Use of a latex product such as gloves or a condom

7. A skin infection such as thrush; and

8. An inflammatory disease such as Balanitis

The solution for dry penis skin and red, irritated penis skin and loss of penile sensitivity

The best way to solve the problem of dry, red and irritated penis skin is to find out what is causing the problem. This means that a process of elimination may need to be used so that the irritant can be found.

Follow these three steps to find a solution for dry penis skin:

Firstly, have your guy abstain from sexual activity of any kind, including masturbation. This will allow the dry penis skin time to heal naturally and stop any permanent skin damage from occurring.

Secondly, begin using a penis specific moisturizer that allows for skin rejuvenation. This product should contain penis specific vitamins and minerals, which help damaged skin cells to repair themselves and increase penis skin elasticity and sensitivity. These essential ingredients are as follows:

1. Vitamin A - contains antibacterial properties that prevent infection;

2. Vitamin B5 - increases and maintains cell metabolism;

3. Vitamin C - increases collagen production which increases skin elasticity;

4. Vitamin D - enables cell function and fights illness;

5. Vitamin E - reduces skin redness and dryness;

6. Acetyl L Carnitine - an enzyme that reduces capillary damage;

7. Alpha Lipoic Acid - a powerful antioxidant that reduces ageing;

8. L–arginine - enhances penis sensitivity; and

9. Shea Butter - rejuvenates skin cells.

Of course, the greatest advantage of using a penis creme is the application of the product. This is best done after showering and drying the penis, and can be an enjoyable task that a partner carries out on a regular basis.

Thirdly, consider what new products have been used or what activities have been carried out just prior to the dry penis skin being noticed. For example, if a new soap was used then stop using this soap. Work through this process until the cause of the problem is found.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Penis Concerns - When to See Your Doctor and When Not

Visiting the Doctor

Men can often feel embarrassed about common penis issues and can be reluctant to speak to their spouse or partner about any penis problem they are experiencing. Going to the doctor can be an important step in familiarizing a physician with the health of your penis. However a lot of men end up going to the doctor simply because they do not know how to adequately take care of their penis health or have insufficient knowledge of their penis problem keeping a penis clean and using a penis health creme regularly is an important part of protecting the penis from common penis health issues, such as rash, or red, irritated penis skin and, also, dry or sore penis skin.

Main Reasons Men Visit Doctor about Penis Concerns

* Size - the fact is that many men feel inadequate about the size of their penis and worry about whether it is too big or too small (usually too small). Size is not normally anything to worry about; however, most men are overly obsessed with their penis size. There is nothing, within reason, that a doctor can do to alter penis size.

* Shape - some men can experience a bend or curve in an erect penis over time. This can be caused by aggressive sex or excessive masturbation and can result in an affliction called Peyronie’s disease, which can shorten the penis by up to an inch. Although there is no cure for Peyronie’s disease, a visit to the doctor can benefit by receiving proper instructions regarding sexual practices.

* Premature ejaculation - one of the main reasons men visit the doctor is because they deem their sexual performance to not be up to scratch, particularly after having experienced premature ejaculation. The local GP can help with this, although excessive masturbation has been shown to have a negative effect on ejaculation timing.

* Erectile problems - On the other hand, a fellow may have a problem with getting an erection in the first place. There can be a range of causes for lack of erection, including psychological issues and problems with medication and although there is no right or wrong answer, a man should visit a doctor if the problem persists.

Penis Rash, Redness, Irritation and Loss of Sensation

A man should also visit the doctor if there is any visible change in the health of his penis. A penile rash may be a symptom of many various diseases and needs to be seen to. Some common causes of penis rash are:

* Herpes
* Genital warts
* Allergies
* Dermatitis
* Psoriasis
* Eczema
* Penis Acne

The STDs and other diseases may need more serious treatment, but some of these causes of penis rash and irritation are relatively minor. For example, although herpes will require seeing a doctor and undergoing treatment, penis acne is fairly common and can be treated with dedicated crèmes aimed at protecting the penis and soothing the delicate penile skin.

Before Visiting the Doctor

It is understandable that men may want to see a doctor immediately about the health of the penis. However, most penile rashes and problems can be handled with preventative measures rather than running to the doctor every five minutes. The use of a simple penile aid (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains penis specific vitamins and minerals helps protect and care for the penis to prevent common penis health problems and unneeded trips to the doctor.


John Dugan writes articles on men's health for print and web publications. For additional expert information on penis health visit the website .

Friday, 16 March 2012

9 Essential Nutrients Necessary to Promote Penis Health

While most men rarely give much thought to penis care beyond a daily shower, the delicate skin of the penis is highly sensitive and prone to damage from chafing, environmental contaminants, bacterial issues and common penis problems, including loss of penis sensation. . In order to maintain a healthy penis, it is important to prevent unpleasant skin problems by cleaning the area daily and wearing loose-fitting, breathable clothing. In addition, daily treatment with a formula containing nine penis-specific vitamins and minerals wil also promote maximum penis health.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is well-known for its properties as a high-quality moisturizer. Obtained from the fruit of the shea tree, shea butter is a natural emollient which works to seal in moisture and heal dry, chapped, chafed or sensitive skin. Many natural dermatologic and cosmetic products contain shea butter.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which is essential for skin health. This essential nutrient not only helps skin to retain its moisture, protecting against fungal and bacterial infections, it is also a natural antioxidant which helps to repair skin cells and protects against the effects of aging and environmental damage.

Acetyl L Carnitine

This important amino acid is an important building block for skin and nerve cells and plays a crucial role in proper immune function. Treating the skin with preparations containing acetyl L carnitine may help to prevent nerve damage that can result in a loss of sensitivity in the skin of the penis.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid, like acetyl l carnitine, is an important amino acid that plays a role in cellular repair; it serves as an antioxidant that helps to rebuild damaged skin cells and promotes overall dermatological health.


This protein serves as an enzyme, promoting important chemical reactions in the body. The presence of L arginine causes blood vessels to relax, promoting increased blood flow to the penis and allowing for optimum provision of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the penis.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is an important life-sustaining vitamin that promotes healthy cell function, helps the body to fight off infection and heal from injury, and minimizes the effects of aging, helping to maintain clear, smooth, unblemished skin.

Vitamin D

One of the most important vitamins, vitamin D plays an important role in cell metabolism and repair; it is also needed to help fight off infections, which can result from bacteria entering the body through dry, cracked or broken skin.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is also an essential nutrient when it comes to skin care and fighting the effects of aging that can lead to a wrinkled, unattractive appearance. Vitamin A is also a natural antibacterial agent which helps to fight off unpleasant odors caused by harmless bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, the tissue that gives skin its elasticity and tone. In addition, this nutrient is important in maintaining the structure of the blood vessels, which promotes proper blood flow to the penis.

Treating the skin of the penis with a specialized formula containing these vital ingredients will help to prevent common, but avoidable penis problems such as dry skin, rash, soreness, and bacterial odor and fungal infections and loss of penis sensation. The penis benefits provided by these nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness. These penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids provide numerous health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Penis Rash or Redness – Causes, Symptoms and How to Cure It

Penile health is a serious subject and although men may feel embarrassed about it, it is important to keep an eye on the health of your penis. Occasionally, a man may experience a slight rash or redness to his penis and although this is nothing unusual, it is a good idea to be educated about the causes of this issue and how they can be combated. Also men should practice a regimen of daily penis health care that includes application of a penis creme that contains penis specific vitamins and minerals.

What Causes Penis Rash?

Penis rash is typically a series of blotches or marks that appear on the penis and are visible to the naked eye. Frequently they only appear after intercourse, although in some cases they are visible constantly. There are a number of causes of penis rash in adult males:

- Phimosis / Paraphimosis - this is a condition where certain areas of the foreskin are tightened to an abnormal degree, stretching the skin of the penis and causing an unhealthy rash. It typically occurs in uncircumcised men when the foreskin cannot be pulled back over the glans of the penis

- STDs - sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis can often cause a rash on the penis. Syphilis is contracted from the bacteria treponema pallidum, most commonly from unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sex with a partner infected with disease.

- Extensive Masturbation – too frequent masturbation, that is, masturbation in excess of once daily, or particularly aggressive masturbation, can cause the skin of penis to become irritated and appear red, irritated and perhaps even sore.

What Causes Penile Redness?

There are similarly a variety of issues that may lead to redness of the penis, and these should be kept an eye on to ensure good penis health:

- Sexual activity - for the most part, penile redness is commonly caused be excessive periods of reproductive activity. This redness can be particularly acute when lubricant is not used, forcing the penis to sometimes rub against dry areas or hard skin

- Balanitis - this condition can either be caused by poor hygiene standards or by having sex with a partner who has thrush. Wash your penis regularly to protect against this illness, and have your partner checked for sexual diseases and thrush symptoms

- Allergies - redness of the penis may be caused by simple allergies, most notably an allergy of latex which is experienced when a condom is used

- Jock itch - this is the name of a fungal infection that can breed in warm, moist areas. This can often be cured by using a special kind of anti-fungal cream or by using fresh towels whenever you wash to ensure the infection doesn’t spread

How to Cure Penis Rash and Redness

The variety of causes of diseases can be resolved with a simple diagnosis and treatment. However, keeping your penis clean and using a penis health creme will reduce the risk of experiencing a majority of the symptoms that are not disease related. Moreover, you should be sure to use an emollient (health professionals recommend Man1 man Oil) on penis skin every day. Not only will this help protect your penis during periods of masturbation, but will also help your penis absorb vital anti-oxidants and amino acids, vitamins and minerals..


John Dugan is an expert on men’s health issues and contributes to a number of websites about penis health. More information on Man1 Man Oil can be found at

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Penis Health Should Top List of Male Concerns

Most men have a strong interest in maintaining a healthy penis, but not all are aware that penis health is about more than just sexual function. Penis problems can cause pain and discomfort, as well as reduced sexual performance, loss of self-esteem, and relationship issues. It is important for men of all ages to be aware of common penis problems and to adhere to a regimen of penis care which includes good nutrition and regular exercise. In addition, health conscientious men should adhere to a daily treatment of penis nutrition with a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals

Common Penis Problems


This term refers to a condition in which the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis is unable to be fully retracted, making intercourse and masturbation difficult and often painful. In mild cases, moisturizing the penis skin and stretching it gently may be effective in correcting this common problem; in more severe instances, circumcision may be required.

Peyronie’s Disease

This condition occurs when scar tissue forms at the base of the penis, causing the organ to bend painfully during an erection. There is currently no method for reversing the effects Peyronie’s Disease, so prevention through proper penis care is the key to boosting the body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate damaged tissue.

Bacterial Infections

The skin of the penis is covered with millions of microscopic organisms that are generally harmless; however, if they are allowed to penetrate the surface of the skin, they may enter the blood stream and cause painful swelling, rash, flaking skin and an unpleasant odor. Maintaining the integrity of the skin’s surface through proper hygiene and moisturizing can help to prevent uncomfortable and damaging infections from occurring.

Yeast Infections

Men are just as likely as women to develop genital yeast infections, as this common fungus tends to thrive in warm, humid areas. A yeast infection can cause severe itching, rash, and a whitish discharge from the tip of the penis and can be transmitted easily between sexual partners. To prevent yeast infections from occurring, it is important to exercise good hygiene by keeping the area clean and dry and wearing loose-fitting, breathable clothing.

Reduced Blood Flow

Insufficient blood flow to the penis is, of course, one of the primary causes of erectile problems, which can inhibit sexual performance. However, other problems may result from a decrease in blood flow, due to the resulting loss of oxygen and other nutrients needed for optimum penis health. Without an appropriate supply of blood, the cells of the penis are unable to repair damaged tissue, which may lead to reduced penis sensitivity and the presence of scarring. Other health issues, including increased risk for infection, may also occur as a consequence of a reduced oxygen supply.

In order to maintain a healthy penis, it is well-known that good nutrition and regular physical activity are necessary; however, choosing sexual partners with care, limiting the use of alcohol, and avoiding smoking and other tobacco products are all essential to men’s health. In addition, treating the skin of the penis with a specialized formula containing moisturizing agents such as vitamin E and shea butter, as well as cell-building proteins and other vital nutrients, may also help to prevent common, but avoidable penis problems.

The penis benefits provided by these nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness. These penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids provide numerous men’s health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.


For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: . John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Is Frequent Masturbation Causing Penis Health Problems?

Although masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual impulse, there can be such a thing as too much masturbation. Unfortunately, the embarrassment most men feel when talking about issues of a sexual nature means that many of them are completely unaware about how much damage excessive masturbation can do to their penises.

How much is too much?

Most males begin masturbating in adolescence when they are around 12 or 13 and usually start off masturbating about once every one or two days. However, males can usually increase this amount once they get into the habit of masturbating frequently, while some men can actually get addicted to the physical release. Ideally masturbation should be kept to around two or three times a week, while masturbating more than once a day is typically too much and can lead to negative penis health.

What are the negative side effects?

There are many ways you can damage your penis by masturbating too much:

• Penis skin irritation - as you may expect, frequent masturbation can lead to an irritation of the skin, making the penis red and sore

• Loss of sensitivity - over time, the penis can get used to the constant contact and attention of masturbation, meaning it can become desensitized during intercourse. The dry rubbing effect of masturbation can damage cell neurons in the penis and may eventually lead to diminished sexual pleasure

• Dry penis skin - occasionally, a ‘callous’ effect may be noticed on the penis where penile skin begins to toughen and harden. Again, this can lead to lessened sensitivity and diminished pleasure during intercourse

• Cracking or breaking the skin - excessive masturbation may cause the penis skin to split. Although you won’t be able to see them, these tears in the skin can cause a lot of damage as they allow viruses and bacteria to enter and infect the penis, as well as travel to other areas of the body

• Urethral damage - men suffering from urethral damage can often end up with scar tissue forming on their urethra. This can then lead to difficulty urinating, as well as a diminished amount of ejaculate being released during climax which can lead to fertility issues

• Erectile dysfunction - this can occur due to the capillaries in the penis becoming damaged, while other veins may appear damaged and unsightly. Later in life, this damage to the penile capillaries can lead to difficulties in getting and maintaining an erection

• Misshapen penis - Peyronie’s disease is an illness that occurs when frequent masturbation actually begins to affect the shape of the penis. Sufferers from Peyronie’s disease often have curved penises or experience a shortening of the penis shaft.

Other effects

It is also possible for men who masturbate excessively to suffer from chemical imbalances in the brain. The purpose of ejaculation is to release sperm and DNA in order for reproduction to occur. However, frequent masturbation can lead to a depletion of core chemicals and hormones in the brain, most notably serotonin, acetylcholine and dopamine. This depletion means the brain is constantly producing more of these chemicals in order to balance the body, meaning men who masturbate excessively can suffer from severe and abrupt chemical changes.

Steps Men Can Take to Prevent Penis Health Issues

Men can avoid penis problems resulting from frequent masturbation by using a lubricant when masturbating, cut back on frequency of masturbation, be more gentle when masturbating and perhaps, most importantly, by using a penis health crème (health professional recommend Man1 man Oil) to restore penis skin and repair damaged nerve endings and capillaries.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Penis Health Depends On 9 Specific Vitamins and Minerals

By now, most men are aware that staying healthy depends on eating right, getting regular exercise, and making appropriate lifestyle choices concerning the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as being selective when choosing sexual partners. However, not everyone is aware that maintaining optimum men’s health requires specialized care of the penis. This sensitive organ is prone to a variety of health issues, which may be avoided by treating penis skin with a combination of these 9 penis-specific vitamins and minerals.

Acetyl L carnitine

This important amino acid is essential to maintaining cell structure and healing skin cells that have been damaged by friction, environmental contaminants and aging. In addition, acetyl L carnitine is indicated for repairing penile nerves that have been compromised by aggressive masturbation or sex, helping to maintain the sensitivity that is needed for healthy sexual performance.

Alpha lipoic acid

This powerful antioxidant has been shown to counteract the effects of environmental damage (which may occur as a result of harmful UV rays, certain food additives, use of tobacco products or the chemicals found in many soaps and detergents), as well as to slow the aging process. Alpha lipoic acid used in conjunction with acetyl L carnitine may reduce the appearance of wrinkling and promote elasticity of the penile skin.


L-arginine is yet another amino acid which provides important penis health benefits. This enzyme is essential to maintaining the structural integrity of the blood vessels and capillaries. Sufficient levels of L-arginine can help to ensure proper blood flow to the penis, which is necessary to avoid penis health problems such erectile dysfunction and the appearance of broken capillaries under the skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter is an ingredient in many moisturizers and other skin products. This naturally-occurring ingredient is noted for helping the skin to retain vital moisture, protecting against drying, and chafing. Shea butter speeds the healing of dry or irritated skin, preventing long-term skin damage that may lead to a wrinkled or roughened appearance.

Vitamin A

This essential nutrient has numerous healing properties. It is especially noted as an anti-bacterial agent, helping to protect against infection as well as eliminating odor-causing bacteria that thrive in the genital area. Vitamin A also helps to maintain the structure of skin cells, lending a youthful appearance.

Vitamin B5

This important vitamin is essential to good overall health. It plays an important role in cell metabolism and provides immune system support. Vitamin B5 is necessary for maintaining good skin tone, as well as overall penis health.

Vitamin C

Most people already know about the disease-fighting properties of vitamin C. In addition, this nutrient is important in the production of collagen, which provides structural support to the skin cells and is needed to maintain healthy penile tissue. Vitamin C also plays an essential role in circulatory system support and is necessary for proper erectile function.

Vitamin D

Protection against radiation, immune system support, and maintaining a healthy metabolism are just a few of the functions of this important nutrient. Vitamin D is essential to maintaining good penis condition and promoting male sexual health.

Vitamin E

Among its numerous healing properties, Vitamin E is noted for keeping the skin hydrated and protecting against environmental damage. Vitamin E is essential to maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin and supporting overall penis health.

While most of these ingredients are available as dietary supplements, the oral preparations available from your local pharmacy or vitamin store are often absorbed by the body’s major organs and never reach the targeted destination - the penis. The penis benefits provided by these nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness. These penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids provide numerous men’s health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

My Erect Penis has a Slight Curve or Bend – Is This Serious?

Many men encounter common penis problems. These include dry, itchy, rough or red penis' skin, diminished or loss of penis sensitivity, and an erect penis that is bent or curved. To avoid these common penis problems, men are advised to observe healthy sexual practices and use a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which provides the vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary to maintain penis health.

Of these penis health issues, men are especially bothered when they notice something different with the appearance of their penis. A slightly bent or curved penis is one such concern. So is this a serious problem?

Unfortunately, it can become a serious problem. A slight bend or curve in an erect penis can sometimes get worse and cause pain or difficulty during sexual intercourse. It is, however, possible for men to prevent this condition from worsening by being aware of some of the causes of a curved erect penis. For instance, they should be wary when a sexual partner is “on top” during sexual intercourse as there is ample opportunity to bend the penis. They should also be careful when having intercourse and try to avoid accidentally thrusting the penis against the peripheral bone of the vagina as this can also bend the penis. With repeated bending of the penis during sex or from aggressive masturbation, the penile connective tissue can be severely damaged and may eventually result in a permanent bend or curve of the erect penis.

What are the other causes of a bent or a curved penis?

The following are some additional factors which may cause this problem:

1. Congenital factor. It is considered congenital when the slight curvature of the penis occurred from birth. In many cases, this does not pose a serious problem. But there are some who experienced pain and difficulty during sexual intercourse.

2. Wearing of very tight underwear and sleeping on one's stomach. These two factors haven't been proven clinically, but they may also contribute to the development of a slightly bent or curved penis as they can restrict or limit the flow of blood, which contains oxygen and other nutrients, going to the penis.

3. Trauma. Accidents can cause severe and permanent damage to the tissues inside the penis and thus, may result in its stunted growth or abnormal curve. Such trauma can happen during sexual intercourse, or masturbation, or can be caused by direct injury to the penile area.

4. Use of Medications. The use of certain medications may result in some side-effects inside the body. It is thus, important for men complaining of having curved penis to disclose what medications they're currently taking when consulting a specialist.

5. Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is a disorder where fibrous plaques develop inside the penile tissues preventing the penis to lengthen and causing it to curve abnormally when erect. This disease is often accompanied by pain, making it difficult, and sometimes impossible, for men to perform sexual intercourse.

What are the treatment procedures in correcting the curved penis?

Men with curved penis are often advised not to ignore the problem. They should be assessed by a specialist in order to determine its cause, prevent its progression, and decide on the proper treatment to take. Although surgery is the best procedure to correct the bent or curved penis, many specialists suggest it only as the last course of action due to its complications. And also because there are patients who have shown improvements without undergoing an invasive procedure.

Prevention, in this case, is still the best option. Since knowing that trauma to the penile tissues is one of the causes for the erect penis to bend or curve, men can avoid such actions which can lead to their damage. They should also include a daily application of penis specific vitamins and minerals such as those found in penis health cremes (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to maintain a penis that is healthy, strong and resistant to injury.