Friday, 28 June 2019

Naked Yoga: A Handsome Penis for Downward Facing Dog

Despite the fact that it is thousands of years old, yoga is more popular among many groups of people now than ever before. Even towns of modest size are likely to contain at least one yoga studio. And as yoga has grown in popularity, so has naked yoga – not to the point where every community has it, of course. But many larger cities – and some rural areas – offer naked yoga classes. Yoga has some natural penis health benefits, but men who participate in naked yoga classes may want to ensure they have a more handsome penis to display to their classmates.

Mostly male

Most naked yoga classes tend to be unisex (those taught at nudist resorts being a major exception), so many men may just assume it’s no big deal what their penis looks or how it presents – they’re only going to be with a bunch of other guys. But many other men feel self-conscious when naked with other men, and so will want to take steps to present the most handsome penis possible in order to avoid embarrassment or feel better about themselves – or even to assert a feeling of superiority over other males.

Whatever a man’s motivation, if he wants a handsome penis to display during naked yoga, there are a few tips to follow.

Pick the temperature. Some yoga classes are known as “hot yoga” classes, and their name says it all: They are conducted in rooms in which the temperature is turned way up. The heat has the dual effect of allowing one to sweat away more pounds (allegedly) and toxins, as well as of making one feel more limber and capable of pushing oneself to adopt more strenuous poses. But guys who already sweat excessively may want to consider what all of the added heat may do to the presentation of their penis.

Don’t get distracted. When a group of men are together naked, it’s natural that they want to check out the other men to see how they compare. But it’s important to remember that the nudity is secondary to the yoga; slyly trying to surreptitiously look while attempting a pose can lead to distraction and to falling out of poses. If a guy likes to really compare, he should attempt to do so before class begins.

Practice cleanliness. Penile hygiene is always important but it is especially so when one’s penis is going to be on display in a public setting. Take steps before hand to maintain proper penis health. Use a penis health crème to help battle any unwanted rashes or blemishes, as well as unsightly dry penis skin. Any build-ups of smegma should be scrupulously sought out and disposed of. If penis odor is an issue, try to wash off as close to the start of the yoga class as possible.

Don’t worry about the hard times. It’s not unusual for a man to get an erection during a naked yoga class. Sometimes it’s related to sexual feelings about being naked in public; other times it’s totally unrelated to any sensual feelings at all. Whatever the cause, if an erection arouses itself during class, a man should just do his best to ignore it and move on.

A handsome penis, whether wanted for a naked yoga class or a more intimate gathering with a partner, is more readily achieved if a man utilizes a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. Be sure to select a crème with vitamin A, as that vitamin’s anti-bacterial properties can help fight against persistent penis odor. The best crème will also include a combination of moisturizers, such as vitamin E and natural shea butter, to help relieve dry, flaky skin and alleviate unsightly penis rashes.

Summer Penis Affects Penis Size

It’s the rare man who hasn’t had some questions about his penis size at some point in his life – and all too often, those penis size questions have dealt with frets and worries that the penis in question wouldn’t measure up to what was required. In fact, penis health and skill with equipment tend to count for much more than penis size where partner sexual satisfaction is concerned; nevertheless, almost every man wants to look in the mirror and have a monster greet him back. So for men wishing their penis were bigger, here’s some good news: your summer penis may grant that vey wish.

What is summer penis?

Summer penis is a “phenomenon” that has been commented on for years if not centuries, but which has gained greater currency in more recent years. Thanks largely to the internet, more people have been exposed to the idea that in general – and therefore not necessarily applicable to all men – a guy’s penis does get somewhat larger in the summer than at other times of the year.

The idea of a summer penis is not taken seriously by many in the medical sciences field, who point to lack of hard data to back the concept up. However, advocates argue that clinical trials haven’t been undertaken in this area, so of course there is no hard data on it. Instead, they argue, people have to look at anecdotal reports of summer penis instead – meaning, mentions or reports of differing penile length in the summer from individual sources.

Makes sense – sort of

The idea that the penis may get longer and/or thicker during the hot summer months does seem logical in some ways. After all, many men will point out that their fingers tend to swell a little during the summer months, so why shouldn’t the penis as well – especially since swelling is part of its everyday routine anyway?

People also tend to be more active and healthy in the summer. Whereas in winter they may spend more time chilling in front of the TV, summer brings about more swimming, hiking, participating in neighborhood sports, mowing the lawn and tending to gardens, etc. All the fresh air and activities gets the blood pumping more forcefully, which may result in some penis expansion. Also, some men eat more healthily in the summer, when fruits and vegetables are especially ripe and tempting, and that can pay off in healthier blood vessels that expand more readily, again resulting in some penis expansion.

Plus, most guys notice that heat makes the balls hang down a bit more, just as a dip in cold water will make them contract significantly. So if heat affects the balls, shouldn’t it also affect the penis?

Not a lot

While there’s a certain logic to the idea of the summer penis, until actual studies are conducted, it’s unlikely that the question will be settled. But even proponents agree that in most cases, the change is not necessarily dramatic. A guy with a four inch penis is unlikely to develop a seven inch member just because the temperature has soared. But when one is obsessed with penis size, even a small change can be greatly appreciated.

Whether summer penis results in a change in penis size or not in no way affects the need for a man to daily make use of a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Ideally, the chosen penis crème is going to contain a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, the topical application of which will allow their benefits to more directly impact the penis. In addition, the crème should contain L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps maintain penis sensitivity even when the penis is too roughly handled during sex or masturbation.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Some Less-Scary Causes of a Discolored Penis

When a man looks down and sees a rainbow of colors, it’s generally not a happy moment. In fact, it’s usually a pretty scary one. However, while there are a few serious causes of concern, the most common causes are all pretty harmless if just a bit uncomfortable or inconvenient. Thankfully, many of them can be treated easily. Here are eight of the less-scary causes of a discolored penis.

1) The Zipper Incident – Most men experience once or a million times in their lives, especially when going commando. It’s one of the top reasons for discoloration. This accidental catch of the worm can cause a red, blue, or purple penis discoloration and potentially a tear in the skin. Ice it (gently) to reduce inflammation and disinfect if the teeth left a mark.

2) Post-Pleasure Flush – Post lovemaking or loving oneself, the penis can flush red or purple as blood holds there before making its decline back into the body.

3) Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation – During puberty, men and women produce excess hormones, which excites the melanocytes, the skin cells that cause pigmentation. This can result in a darker penis discoloration in the entire genital area for men. While it can be aesthetically undesirable to a man, it poses no health concern. Men who don’t like it can see a doctor for Retinol, laser resurfacing, or even microdermabrasion to reduce the darkness.

4) Lax Hygiene – If a penis isn’t clean and dry most of the time, it is vulnerable to bacteria, infection, and fungus. It shows its displeasure by turning an angry red and can do any of the following: peel, produce excess smegma, get inflamed, and cause other issues like fiery urination and general discomfort. The fix is easy: wash it and wash it well. Use gentle cleanser, warm water, and care. Keep doing that until it goes away. And then keep doing it until the end of time to prevent it from happening again.

5) Just a Bruise – It can happen in sports, hitting the edge of a desk, or from a particularly athletic sex session; the penis can get bruised. Simply treat it tenderly and gently ice it to relieve the swelling. If the bruise starts to pool blood, go to a hospital because it might be a hematoma, which is much more serious.

6) Latex Allergy – A quarter of all adults in the United States are allergic to latex condoms, and a discolored penis is one of the common symptoms. If experiencing penis discoloration and rash-like symptoms, a man should gently, but thoroughly, clean the area and potentially take an antihistamine to help. He should then be sure to follow up with his doctor for an allergy test. Thankfully, there are many alternative kinds of condoms, so safe sex can always be had!

7) Allergic Reaction – Other allergic reactions are also common, especially from things like body wash, lotion, and laundry detergent. If a man hasn’t changed anything on his end, he should check with his partner to see if they have. Relief can be found as mentioned in #6 above.

8) Penile Melanosis – A harmless skin condition, it produces small patches of darkened skin on the shaft or head of the penis. It happens when melanin accumulates in concentrated deposits on the surface of the skin. There’s no treatment necessary for this condition, but a doctor can recommend removal options if a man wants to make a change.

Preventing Penis Discoloration

Treat the penis right and treat it gently! Wear protective gear when playing sports or being athletic. Also, try to avoid any rough rights or lefts when being intimate, as that can cause injury. When engaging in a little self-pleasure, be sure not to invoke a death grip, as it can lead to friction causing discoloration and nerve damage.

In addition to the above, be sure to follow a hygiene regimen to keep the penis spotless, vigorous, and protected. Wash regularly and meticulously with a gentle cleanser, being sure to clean all the folds and crevices and rinsing well. Follow up cleansing with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to calm and relieve the skin.

Iron Deficiency Can Cause Itchy Penis

Itchy penis. It can happen anywhere. In the privacy of one’s own room, yes, but it seems to more often happen when one is walking down a crowded street or talking to a potential new partner in a bar or making an important presentation in front of an important client. An itchy penis is one of the most common penis health issues, and the range of causes is wide and varied. Interestingly enough, it appears that iron deficiency may in some cases be a contributing factor to that annoying itchy penis.


Itchy skin is often called pruritus by medical professionals, so technically an itchy penis could be said to be a pruritical penis – but most doctors shy away from being that technical. But why should a lack of iron have anything to do with how itchy a man’s equipment is?

Iron is important for healthy skin, whether on the penis or elsewhere. One reason for this is that iron is required to transport oxygen throughout the body, and it is this access to iron that impacts the health of all organs – and the skin is indeed an organ of the body. When skin is properly oxygenated, it is able to access nutrients more fully and to use those nutrients in vital processes that are intended to keep skin healthy.

When there is a deficiency of iron, the skin gets less oxygen than it needs. This can lead to dryness and cracking, and skin that lacks proper moisturization tends to be much more prone to itchiness. Often that itchiness may be confined to certain areas of the body – in some cases, the penis.

Iron deficiency

Often iron deficiency comes about simply because a person is not getting enough iron in their diet. When that is the case, a change in eating habits may be called for. Some foods are especially high in iron; these include red meats, beans, dried fruit, fortified cereals, shellfish, spinach, pumpkin seeds, turkey, and broccoli. So, adding more helpings of iron-rich foods can be effective.

Sometimes iron deficiency is not caused by, or not solely caused by, dietary issues. Loss of blood can create an iron-deficient situation. There are certain diseases and conditions that can also lead to a loss of iron, such as Crohn’s disease, atrophic gastritis, or parasites. There are some medications (including aspirin) that may also impair the necessary absorption of iron.

Itchy skin is not always a symptom of iron deficiency – and when it is, it is usually not the only one. Other symptoms include lethargy or fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, brittle hair or loss of hair, pale skin, coldness in hands and/or feet, sores on the mouth or tongue, and difficulty swallowing.

If a man suspects he may have iron deficiency, he should consult a doctor promptly. It is best not to self-diagnose, as many of these symptoms are associated with other conditions as well. Also, adding iron supplements without consulting a doctor can be dangerous, as too much iron can also result in problems, especially in children. A medical professional is better positioned to prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Taking care of iron deficiency that is causing an itchy penis will help in the long run, but in the short term a more immediate solution is desirable. One thing that helps is the regular application of a top-notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Because dryness is typically the reason for the itchiness, find a crème that includes a combination of effective moisturizing agents, such as highly prized shea butter and natural vitamin E. It helps if the crème also contains vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid), which is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.