Monday, 2 July 2018

Penis Bumps: What it Means to Have a Genital Hemangioma

Adult males with an interest in superior penis care are familiar with many of the common penis health issues: Peyronie’s disease, pearly penile papules, Fordyce spots, and so on. But there are many other penis conditions that are not so common. One of these, genital hemangioma (sometimes called penile hemangioma), tends to occur more often in children, but can affect adult men as well, resulting in unusual penis bumps or marks.


What is a hemangioma? In the vast majority of the cases, it is a birthmark, something a child is born with or which develops very early in infancy. It’s a benign vascular tumor, which is another way of saying that the blood vessels in an area of the skin get together in an unusual way, such that they leave a mark on the skin above them. When the capillaries stay beneath the skin, the mark is referred to as a cavernous hemangioma. When the vessels erupt from the skin, appearing on the surface, they are called capillary hemangiomas.

Although a hemangioma can be quite visible early on, most of them tend to fade away as a child ages. The majority of hemangiomas disappear by adolescence, although capillary hemangiomas are more likely to remain visible for an extended period of time than cavernous ones. However, some adults do experience the arrival of hemangiomas later in life.

Since the tumors are noncancerous, they are typically not a cause for concern. In some cases, however, they can create difficulties. Cavernous hemangiomas, in particular, may cause vision or breathing problems, depending upon where they are located and how deep they go. If the hemangioma is in certain areas, it may cause nausea, abdominal discomfort and loss of appetite.

Genital hemangioma

When a hemangioma appears on the penis or testicles, it is considered a genital hemangioma. These are very rare, with only about two dozen cases described in medical literature. While hemangiomas tend to be benign, the placement of one on the penis can become problematic. Because of the intense friction the penis endures during sex, the hemangioma can cause significant discomfort and pain. In some instances, sexual activity, whether in the form of intercourse or masturbation, can result in rupture of the capillaries and bleeding.

In addition, some men find the presence of penile hemangiomas to be aesthetically unappealing. Potential partners may be concerned about their appearance, worrying that they may indicate the presence of a sexually-transmitted infection (which is not the case). If a man is displeased with the appearance of his penis due to the tumor, he may find his self-esteem impacted and may experience feelings of depression.


If a man decides to have a hemangioma removed, the most common options are surgical excision, laser therapy and sclerotherapy (injection of chemicals directly into a vein). When the hemangioma is on the penis, sclerotherapy is probably the most common procedure.

As stated before, genital hemangiomas are rare, especially in adult males. However, if a man notices a swelling and discoloration on his penis for which no other cause is evident, he should explore this option with his doctor.

The cause of hemangiomas is still unknown, but a penis in good health is in a better state to receive treatment if one does develop. One excellent way to maintain penile health is via the daily application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . It pays to select a crème that covers all the bases, so the wise shopper will choose one that includes a range of vitamins, preferably A, B5, C, D and E. It’s also a good idea to find a crème with L-arginine, an amino acid that helps boost the health of penile blood vessels by keeping them open to increased blood flow.

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