Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Easing Penis Pain from Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a serious issue for many men, and unfortunately, those men will often find that the condition spreads to the penis and surrounding area. Though there are great treatments available and special attention to quality penis care might help relieve the symptoms, a man who suffers from the penis pain, itching and redness that comes along with the dry skin patches might always dread the next flare-up. Understanding what psoriasis is and what treatments to explore can help a man deal with the condition.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that afflicts as many as one in every 50 people; in fact, it’s the most common auto-immune disease in the United States. It’s a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can strike anywhere on the body, including the penis and surrounding area. Some cases of psoriasis are very mild, presenting with small patches of dry skin. In fact, some of the mild cases might be so slight as to go unnoticed!

On the other hand, psoriasis can also be quite severe, resulting in very large patches of dry, inflamed and painful skin. Though the most common areas for psoriasis to appear include on the scalp, knees and elbows, some people do have the problem on other areas of the body. Plaque psoriasis is a particular concern, as this leads to red, scaly skin that can easily make a person very self-conscious - and if the psoriasis appears on a man’s penis and surrounding area, it can make him less likely to be willing to engage with a sexual partner.

What’s the good news?

The good news is that psoriasis is certainly not a sexually transmitted disease, and cannot be passed from one partner to another. The other good news is that a man who suffers from psoriasis has a wealth of treatments at his disposal, some of which could be the ‘magic bullet’ that keeps the skin condition under control. Here are some of the options:

1. Topical medications. Some medications target the inflammation and other issues that accompany a red penis, while others seek to remove the thin layer of skin that is causing the problem. Each of these medications can be easily applied at home. These are good for those who have psoriasis in very defined areas, such as only on the knees or the penis.

2. Injectable medications. These medications target the psoriasis from the ‘inside out.’ They do this by using biologic drugs that assist the immune system in performing correctly, thus helping to ease the autoimmune disease. These are often recommended for those who suffer from psoriasis on large areas of the body.

3. Ultraviolet treatment. Light therapy with UV rays is a traditional treatment for psoriasis that has proven effective for many years. This usually involves going to the physician’s office and simply placing the affected area under a special light that attacks certain cells, thus easing the appearance and pain of the condition.

4. Careful moisturizing and bath regimen. Skin health is vitally important when dealing with psoriasis, whether it’s on the penis or elsewhere. Some physicians recommend a daily ritual of bathing in Epsom or Dead Sea salts, as well as the use of special moisturizers to keep the affected areas as smooth and supple as possible. This is often combined with other treatments to keep the problem under control.

In addition to the medications and treatments recommended by a doctor, a man can look to a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help him ease dry skin woes and alleviate the penis pain from those issues. A man should look for a crème that contains vitamins and nutrients wrapped up in a luxurious Shea butter and vitamin E base. This double dose of hydration can help skin stay as smooth and supple, while also helping to alleviate some of the red penis issues and other problems that might result from excessively dry penis skin.

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