Thursday, 23 February 2017

Home Remedies for Penis Chafing

Few things are more annoying than penis chafing. A man who is suffering from a red, irritated penis might find that he can’t concentrate at work, he can’t walk comfortably, and any sexual encounter just might have to wait until his delicate penis skin has healed. Though good penis care can go a long way toward ensuring less chafing of the penis, sometimes the irritation happens no matter what a man does to avoid it. That’s when home remedies are in order.

How to alleviate penis chafing
For men who are dealing with serious penis chafing, home remedies can help them heal faster and get back into the game sooner than they might have thought possible. Here are a few steps a man can take to find relief.

1. Keep things cool. One of the most annoying aspects of penis chafing is the redness and warmth that assaults the delicate penis skin. Cooling things down quickly can help a man find some relief. This can be done with cold or cool compresses. Simply wash the penis well, removing anything that might make the chafing worse, then drape a cool, wet towel over the area. As the towel heats up, cool it down again by running it under cold water.

2. Let it breathe. If a man can let the penis ‘air out’ for a while, that’s wonderful. It will help the skin get plenty of fresh air, which can speed the healing process. A man with serious penis chafing might want to spend an evening without clothes, doing something that won’t require much moving, so the penis won’t brush against anything to irritate it. This is a great time to binge-watch a great television show!

3. Don’t let it rub. A man with a severely chafed penis will need to take some time away from sexual activity to let it heal. But there are other things that might need to fall to the wayside too, such as vigorous exercise. The constant motion of exercise can lead to even worse irritation. Basically, anything that causes the skin to rub together or against fabric can make penis chafing worse.

4. Dress appropriately. A man might not be able to take off work to deal with serious penis chafing, so he must dress appropriately. Wearing loose-fitting boxers can help, as well as avoiding tight clothing. For very painful areas, he could use a layer of Vaseline, covered with a bandage, to help soothe the skin during the day.

5. Use aloe or Shea butter to help. As the chafing begins to heal, the itch will begin. To avoid scratching the area and making things worse, a man should opt to use a crème or ointment that contains aloe or Shea butter. These two high-end emollients will ensure that the skin stays well-hydrated and can help chafing heal faster.

If things get worse, a man should seek medical attention. The doctor might prescribe crèmes that are designed for serious skin problems.

To aid in the healing of a chafed penis, as well as prevent it from happening again, a man should invest in a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The presence of Shea butter and vitamin E in the crème will be a great help when it comes to healing and keeping the skin supple. The best crème will contain a plethora of vitamins and nutrients to help with penis skin issues, including vitamin C to promote elasticity and acetyl-L-carnitine to treat peripheral nerve damage. Daily application of a penis health crème is the best way to ensure penis health and alleviate the irritated, red penis that comes from unfortunate chafing.

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