Monday, 28 May 2012

Penis Health Facts – How Essential Nutrients Like Vitamin E Can Help Protect the Penis

The therapeutic qualities of Vitamin E have been known for more than 60 years. Doctors have been using this important nutrient for decades in order to treat or prevent health conditions ranging from edema to skin rashes and premature signs of aging. In addition to its overall health benefits, evidence has been discovered that certain penis-specific vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E may be useful in preventing and treating common penis health issues such as dry skin, irritation, and loss of penis sensation. The following information has been provided for men who are looking for effective natural solutions for maintaining a healthy penis.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin e is one of the most recognizable vitamins – for many years, everyone from moms to health care specialists have touted the importance of vitamin C in the diet. This vital nutrient, which is also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is available in numerous food items, from the ever-popular orange juice to onions to green, leafy vegetables; it may also be taken as a dietary supplement.

Health Implications of Vitamin E

Vitamin E actually refers to a group of naturally-occurring chemicals known as tocopherols; these fat-soluble substances are essential to human function, as they work together with several other vitamins to reduce oxidative stress and protect the body from cellular damage.

Sufficient amounts of vitamin E are needed to maintain healthy skin, to protect against certain types of cancer, including bladder, breast and prostate cancer; this nutrient is also noted for its benefits on cardiovascular health, as well as a potential treatment for various types of dementia.

Vitamin E is available in numerous food sources, yet nutritional experts caution that cooking, processing and storage may reduce or eliminate the benefits of this important nutrient. The USDA estimates that most men get only the minimum recommended daily allowance of vitamin E in their diets; in other words, they consume only enough to prevent deficiencies from occurring.

Penis health benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is perhaps best known for its skin protecting properties; in addition, it has numerous other characteristics which may benefit penis health.

Protects against free radicals – As previously mentioned, vitamin E works to reduce oxidative stress, or the cellular damage caused by free radicals in the environment. In simple terms, free radicals damage cellular function, causing problems with reproduction that can lead to skin damage, early signs of aging and even cancer. Vitamin E, in conjunction with vitamin C and several minerals, has been proven to protect the cells of the penis and may reduce the risk of skin cancer and promote smooth, younger-looking skin.

Protects against UV rays – In addition to protecting against free radicals, vitamin E has been shown to reduce the harm from UV rays. While this may not seem like an issue for an area that is usually covered with clothing, most men do not realize that UV rays can penetrate most fabrics, creating an aging effect and increasing the risk of skin cancer. Regular use of vitamin E can boost the skin’s healing properties and may help to maintain supple, healthy penis skin.

Promotes communication between cells – One of the more recently-discovered properties of vitamin E is its ability to promote communication between cells. This is an important issue when it comes to penis sensitivity, as the experience of sexual pleasure, and even the ability to achieve an erection, relies on communication within an intricate network of nerve cells. By stimulating effective communication between cells, vitamin E may assist in maintaining maximum penis sensation.

Helps penis skin to maintain its natural hydration

Vitamin E is an ingredient in most high-quality skin moisturizers, and for good reason. Vitamin E accumulates under the outer layers of skin, providing a natural moisture barrier that helps the skin to retain healthy hydration and protects against dryness and irritation. Use of this important skin nutrient can help to prevent dryness and chafing, heal skin that is irritated due to friction from restrictive clothing or vigorous stroking, and leave the penis skin soft, smooth, and young-looking.

How to make the most of the penis health benefits of vitamin E

While many food items contain vitamin E, most men do not obtain the maximum benefits from dietary intake of this nutrient, as many of its beneficial properties are lost during processing. Using a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamin E and other penis nutrients that are applied directly to the penis allows for direct absorption of penis-rejuvenating vitamins and minerals right where they are needed most.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Dry Penis Skin – What’s Normal What’s Not and When to Worry

Dry penis skin can be a serious source of discomfort, which is only to be expected with irritation on the only part of the body that changes size on a regular basis. Dry skin on the penis is a common occurrence with a wide range of possible causes; while guys are naturally worried about anything out of the ordinary when it comes to their favorite body part, the answer is usually fairly straightforward. Keeping the penis healthy and supple can be as simple as treating it at home with a formula containing penis-specific moisturizing vitamins and minerals that protect against dryness, rash and other unpleasant skin conditions. However, it is important to understand what causes penis dryness and when it is necessary to seek help.

The most common causes of dry penis skin:

Dry masturbation and aggressive sex

Rough handling is by far the most common cause of dry skin on the penis, as the friction of masturbation or intercourse without the benefit of lubrication wears the skin and may lead to drying and flaking; this can in turn cause soreness or even the development of small lacerations if it is left untreated. In order to prevent dry penis problems as a result of masturbation or other sexual activity, it is important to use an effective lube; and to heal already-dry or irritated skin, a rejuvenating crème containing moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter and vitamin E is recommended.

Skin allergies or sensitivity

Certain personal hygiene products and detergents can cause irritation that leads to dryness, especially for men with sensitive skin. Deodorizers, soaps, laundry detergents, and the spermicides found in condoms and other types of birth control can leech the natural moisturizers from the skin. Keeping the penile skin well-nourished with moisturizing and healing ingredients such as shea butter, vitamin D and vitamin C can help keep skin smooth and supple and help it to heal after minor irritation or injury.

When penis dryness is a problem:

Most men will experience dry penis skin at one time or another; while dry skin can lead to soreness or discomfort, there is usually no cause for concern. However, dry skin that spreads, does not heal, or becomes inflamed or sore may be an indication of an STD; in more serious cases, these symptoms can indicate skin cancer. If treatment with a moisturizing penis crème does not improve the condition of the skin, it is best to seek professional medical advice.

Complications from dry penis skin:

While dry skin on the penis is usually nothing to worry about, if it is left untreated, it can result in more serious issues. Dry skin may develop small lacerations that allow bacteria to enter the outer dermal layer, leading to infection; in addition, dry skin that is not treated may lead to loss of penis sensation.

Treating and preventing dry penis skin:

Like any other part of the body, the penis requires proper nutrition and care. Certain vitamins, amino acids and minerals have been shown to provide important penis benefits, preventing drying and other skin conditions; protecting against disease; and promoting optimum healing. However, many of the moisturizing crèmes and lotions that are formulated for other parts of the body contain fragrances, dyes and other harsh chemicals that can actually increase irritation, dryness and discomfort. Instead, it is best to treat the penis skin with a specialized penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains specific penis vitamins, minerals and moisturizers. By doing so, men of all ages can promote a healthy penis and enjoy a vigorous and satisfying sex life.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Vitamins and Penis Health – What All Men Need to Know about Vitamin C

With current advances in nutritional science, medical researchers are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of certain common nutrients on all types of health issues, including penis health. In fact, both the Mayo Clinic and the University of Maryland medical center have pointed out that there are multiple benefits that can be obtained from certain penis-specific vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, which can help to prevent common issues related to the penis skin, as well as promoting overall penis health and contributing to optimal sexual function.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is one of the most recognizable vitamins – for many years, everyone from moms to health care specialists have touted the importance of vitamin C in the diet. This vital nutrient, which is also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is available in numerous food items, from the ever-popular orange juice to onions to green, leafy vegetables; it may also be taken as a dietary supplement.

Health Implications of Vitamin C

Vitamin C does more than just fight the common cold – it boosts the function of the immune system, helping the body to fight off many types of diseases. Vitamin C is also known as a powerful antioxidant, which means it helps the cells of the body to resist and repair damage from cancer-causing free radicals. In addition, vitamin C is an important element in the formation of collagen, which is needed for the structural tissue that underlies the skin, giving it its tone and elasticity, and it helps to promote healthy blood flow and protect against high blood pressure.

All people – men, women and children – require vitamin C in order to stay healthy. Vitamin C deficiencies can lead to a variety of unpleasant health problems such as scurvy, a disease that causes swelling, bleeding of the gums, tiredness, and depression. People who smoke, consume alcohol regularly, or have certain medical conditions are more likely to experience vitamin C deficiencies.

How Vitamin C Benefits the Penis

Vitamin C is important for a wide range of bodily functions; yet it also provides certain benefits that are specific to penis health. Some of these benefits are described below:

Fights infections and other diseases –Vitamin C acts as a natural infection-fighting agent, warding off harmful bacteria and viruses that may cause infections of the penis skin, leading to soreness, flaking, and irritation, as well as interfering with the ability to enjoy sex.

Builds and repairs tissue – Due to its characteristics as a tissue-building nutrient, vitamin C has been shown to help keep the penis skin soft, supple and young-looking and to protect against skin damage that occurs as a result of aggressive rubbing during dry masturbation.

Contributes to circulatory health – The collagen in vitamin C is not only needed for the formation of healthy skin tissue; it is also a major component in building and repairing blood vessels and contributing to circulatory health. As the penis is filled with tiny blood vessels, ensuring adequate levels of vitamin C is necessary for maintaining proper blood flow, which is necessary to maintaining erectile function, as well as keeping the skin of the penis smooth and healthy.

How to make the most of the penis health benefits of vitamin C

Nearly everyone who uses oral dietary supplements takes some form of vitamin C. In addition, it can be obtained from numerous food items. However, because this nutrient is water-soluble, it is often eliminated in the urine before it can provide significant penis benefits; fortunately, though, there is an answer for assuring that the penis receives the full benefits of this essential vitamin. Using a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing vitamin C that is applied directly to the penis skin can help to deliver the benefits of this and other important nutrients right where they are needed most.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Penis Pandemic - 87% of Men Experiencing Diminished Penis Sensation by Age 39

Loss of penis sensitivity is a matter of great concern for most men; reduced penis sensation can affect a man’s ability to achieve an erection, complete sexual intercourse, and experience full sexual pleasure. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that an estimated 87% of men will experience some degree of loss of sensation by age 39. Fortunately, in most cases, this is caused by penile skin issues and can, with proper treatment, be resolved. Furthermore, treating the penis skin with a topical crème containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals may prevent additional loss of penis sensation and help to restore sensitivity.

What are the symptoms of reduced penis sensitivity?

Men who are experiencing reduced reactions to sexual stimulation, including failure to achieve an erection or sustain it long enough to reach orgasm or diminished pleasurable sensation may be suffering from reduced penis sensitivity. In some advanced cases, numbness or tingling may occur (similar to the “pins and needles” sensation that comes from poor circulation in the extremities), and in certain instances, men may experience ejaculation with minimal accompanying pleasure.

What causes diminished feeling of the penis?

A number of underlying issues can result in loss of penis sensation. Among the less common causes includes poor circulation due to circulation issues from penis injury or when tight or binding clothing restricts blood flow to the area and numbness or tingling may occur. In addition, loss of sensation may be caused by chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease or type II diabetes; in some instances, medications may be a factor in reduced penis sensitivity.

On the other hand, in most instances, reduced penis sensitivity is simply the result of over-stimulation from frequent masturbation or overly aggressive sex. These can cause toughening of the outer dermal layer of the penis, or actually damage neural cells responsible for sensation, making it more difficult to trigger the nerve endings that lie below the skin’s surface.

Is there an effective way to restore lost penis sensation?

To prevent loss of penis sensation, it is important to keep the skin properly moisturized and to use a lubricant during masturbation and sex. In addition, for men who are already experiencing reduced penis sensitivity, the good news is that loss of penis sensation can be often be corrected by treating the skin of the penis with moisturizing and rejuvenating ingredients that work to restore the skin’s natural suppleness and sensitivity and to promote maximum healing.

Numerous vitamins and minerals have been identified as providing benefits that are specific to the health of the penis skin, promoting the body’s ability to heal after minor tissue damage due to aggressive rubbing, as well as protecting against the dryness and irritation that may compromise the surface of the skin and lead to loss of sensation. In addition, certain nutrients have been demonstrated to increase circulation, keeping the penis well-oxygenated, healthy, and receptive to stimulation.

What is the best way to protect the penis against loss of sensation?

While most penis vitamins and minerals are present in a healthy diet, these nutrients do not always directly benefit the penis, as they are utilized by other organs or simply excreted as waste. However, with a specially formulated penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is applied directly to the penis skin, allow penis specific nutrients to be absorbed directly into the skin of the penis, where they can go directly to work to restore skin tone and texture, improve the circulation, repair damaged penile cell neurons and help to maintain a healthy and responsive penis.

For men who are experiencing loss of penis sensation due to an underlying medical condition, self-treatment is not generally recommended; while penis crèmes may help to restore lost sensation, they will not address the source of the problem. Cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes are serious medical problems that should be treated by a health care professional.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Penis Health Watch – Can Vitamin A Help Protect Penis?

By now, most people have gotten the idea that eating well and getting the right nutrition is important to overall health. However, while it is understood that vitamins and minerals are necessary, the functions performed by each individual nutrient remain a mystery to the average person. Yet each vitamin, mineral, fat and amino acid that is consumed plays a specific role, and getting enough nutrition through the diet or through other means is necessary for ensuring overall good health.

What most men don’t know is that the health of the penis also depends on the nourishment that can be obtained from certain penis-specific vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, which can help to prevent a variety of common, yet distressing penis problems. Here, we discuss the health benefits of vitamin A and how it can help to protect penis health.

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is known as a fat-soluble vitamin, which simply means that whatever vitamin A is not used by the body is stored in the fat cells until it is needed. There are two main types of vitamin A; retinol, which comes from animal sources, and carotene, which comes from plant sources. This important nutrient can be found in foods such as eggs, liver, and dairy products, as well as in dark green and yellow vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach, pumpkin, squash and carrots.

Health Implications of Vitamin A

Vitamin A has a variety of health benefits. It is a known antioxidant, which means it helps the cells of the body to resist and repair damage from cancer-causing free radicals. vitamin A also has properties as an anti-bacterial agent, serving as a sort of skin guard against bacteria from entering the body through skin wounds and scratches and causing infections. In addition, it boosts the immune system, helping the body to fight off disease, and it works with proteins to build muscle tissue. Retinol also has important skin care properties and is found in many anti-blemish and anti-wrinkle creams.

Humans need adequate amounts of vitamin A to ensure overall good health; individuals with vitamin A deficiencies may have trouble healing after an injury, and their ability to fight off diseases (including life-threatening illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes) may be compromised; in addition, they are more likely to develop skin blemishes and may be more prone to wrinkling, as well as scarring after an injury.

How Vitamin A Benefits the Penis

Where the penis is concerned, vitamin A provides several specific benefits:

• Antibacterial – As an antibacterial agent, vitamin A protects the skin and epithelial cells from environmental invaders, such as harmful bacteria that can cause infections that may lead to soreness, rash, and other unpleasant symptoms.

• Healing and rejuvenating skin

Vitamin A is needed to keep the skin of the penis smooth and supple; it can help to prevent early signs of aging such as wrinkling and unattractive skin spots, and it also boosts the ability of the skin cells to repair themselves from minor scrapes, sores or other surface damage.

• Skin sensation

By helping to maintain healthy, blemish-free penis skin that is soft to the touch, vitamin A promotes improved skin sensation and responsiveness to stimulation, leading to increased sexual pleasure.

Side Effect from Vitamin A

While taking a vitamin A supplement may be an obvious solution, oral vitamin A is not without its dangers. This nutrient can become toxic if it builds up in fat cells, leading to serious illness; therefore, using vitamin A supplements can be dangerous unless taken under the supervision of a doctor. However, men can make the most of the penis benefits of vitamin A through use of a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin, providing numerous penis vitamins and minerals right where they are needed most. Using a crème with penis specific vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants can avoid toxicity issues caused by vitamin A tablets and supplements and will greatly benefit penis health and well being.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Penis Health Watch - Beware Numbing Down of Penis Sensitivity

For those men who are concerned about penis health, loss of penis sensation stands out as one of the most common penis problems; reduced penis sensitivity has been demonstrated to affect approximately 87% of all men before their 40th birthday. Although this statistic may raise some alarm, the good news is that there are steps that men can take to avoid reduced penis sensitivity. Treating the delicate skin of the penis with a formula containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals may help to protect against loss of sensation and to restore diminished sensitivity. In addition, men should understand what causes reduced penis sensation and how to avoid this common, yet distressing problem.


Numbness of the penis can occur for a variety of reasons. Certain medications may cause temporary loss of penis sensation; while health conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease can also lead to nerve damage or circulatory problems that lead to numbness and loss of sensitivity.

However, in most cases, diminished sensitivity is a result of friction due to frequent or “dry”

masturbation and aggressive sex. Underneath the skin of the penis, there is a fine network of blood vessels, as well as many nerve endings. For men who masturbate often, especially without the benefit of lubrication, excessive friction can cause damage to this sensitive tissue, resulting in a loss of sensation.


Symptoms of reduced penis sensitivity may include diminished sexual pleasure, numbness or tingling, diminished sensation for entire penis or certain areas of penis, lack of ability to achieve or maintain an erection, and in ability to reach an orgasm. In certain cases, ejaculation may occur without any experience of pleasure.


For men who are suffering from loss of penile sensation due to medications or chronic health issues, it is important to seek treatment from a medical professional. However, overstimulation and numbing can often be treated through the use of a penis health crème which contains vitamins and minerals that specifically provide support for the nervous and circulatory functions of the penis, as well as helping to maintain smooth, healthy, well-moisturized skin.

Preventing Loss of Penis Sensitivity

In order to prevent loss of penis sensation, it is important to use proper lubrication during masturbation and intercourse. By keeping the skin moisturized, and well nurished men can avoid the tissue damage that may lead to reduced sensitivity and prevent embarrassing erectile issues.

In addition, numerous vitamins and minerals are noted for their ability to soften and sensitize the skin, as well as keeping the circulatory system functioning well and allowing proper blood flow, which is necessary for the oxygenation of the penis skin cells. In addition, these nutrients have been identified as assisting the body to repair itself when cellular damage occurs, allowing rapid healing and preventing loss of nerve sensation.

How to avoid these common penis problems

While vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients are necessary to penis health, taking a supplement is generally not the answer for most men. Dietary supplements are not always well-absorbed by the body, meaning that they are eliminated through the digestive system before they have a chance to reach the targeted organ, in this case the penis.. On the other hand, treating the penis skin with a specialized penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can ensure that these important nutrients are delivered directly where they are needed most – to the skin of the penis, where they can be absorbed and provide the maximum penis benefits.

In addition, health care professionals recommend a nutritious diet, frequent exercise, and the selective choice of sexual partners. Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle can help to prevent many of the common health issues that lead to loss of penis sensation and reduced sexual pleasure.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Penis Health Watch - Discover the Penis Health Benefits of Vitamin B5

Even men who pay close attention to their physical condition, hitting the gym regularly and making appropriate dietary choices, often overlook an important aspect of their well-being – their penis health. Like any other part of the body, the penis requires appropriate care to ensure good health and proper function. Using a moisturizer or penis health crème containing penis-specific vitamins such as vitamin B5 may provide important penis health benefits, helping to resolve common penis skin complaints and protecting the penis against loss of sensitivity. The five most important penis benefits of vitamin B5 are discussed here.

What is Vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that traces of the nutrient that are not absorbed by the body are eliminated through urine. Also known as pantothenic acid, this vitamin is essential to the metabolic process, as it is needed to convert food into energy to fuel the muscles and maintain proper cellular function. Vitamin B5 is known to play a role in circulatory health, as well as promoting disease fighting ability and sexual health; it also helps the body to utilize the benefits afforded by other vitamins and minerals.

The top 5 penis benefits of vitamin B5

1. Prevent or reverse loss of penis sensation: Vigorous manual stroking, sexual intercourse, and even restrictive clothing create friction that, over time, can lead to toughening of the outer layers of the penis skin, just as heavy manual labor causes callouses on the palms of the hands. This can lead to a loss of penis sensitivity; men as young as 17 to 19 years of age have reported reduced penis sensation due to neural damage often caused by frequent masturbation or aggressive sex. Treating the skin with restorative vitamins such as B5 can stimulate the growth of new skin cells and provide support for the thousands of nerve endings found under the delicate outer dermal layer of the penis.

2. Promote healthy circulation: Vitamin B5 plays an important role in promoting circulatory health, maintaining the blood vessels and stimulating blood flow; this is particularly important to penis health, as adequate blood flow is needed to nourish the skin and nerve cells of the penis, as well as permitting an erection to occur.

3. Boost immune system function: Pantothenic acid is critical to proper immune system function, helping the body to fight off disease and infection; in fact, vitamin B5 is often referred to as a “life-sustaining” vitamin. Bacteria and fungi (such as those that cause “jock itch” and yeast infections) tend to flourish in warm, moist places such as the genital area. Adequate levels of B5 are needed to help stave off common bacterial and fungal infections that can affect the penis, causing soreness, irritation, and pain during intercourse and can be passed on to sexual partners.

4. Reduce soreness and skin irritation: The penis skin is delicate, and it can become easily irritated, especially with rough handling due to frequent masturbation or aggressive sex. Repairing damaged skin cells and preventing soreness, irritation and itching depends on proper nourishment from vitamins such as pantothenic acid.

5. Keep skin youthful and healthy: Moisturizers containing vitamin B5 are a top choice of women who want to keep their skin soft, supple, and youthful looking – but men, too, can benefit from the rejuvenating effects of pantothenic acid. Penis vitamin formulas containing B5 can help to prevent wrinkling and maintain the integrity of the penis skin.

How to make the most of the penis health benefits of Vitamin B5

Even men who get adequate amounts of vitamin B5 in their diet or take a nutritional supplement containing pantothenic acid may not be getting the full penis benefits of this important penis vitamin. After nutrients are broken down in the digestive tract, they are often delivered to the other organs or eliminated as waste before they can reach the penis.

Treating the penis skin with a topical penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to ensure that the penis is properly nourished. By ensuring that the penis skin receives the full benefits of important nutrients such as vitamin B5, as well as making healthy lifestyle choices and receiving appropriate medical care, men of all ages can promote long-term penis health and function.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Sore Penis – Top 5 Causes and Treating Common Penis Health Problems

What many men don’t realize is that, while some penis problems are serious and should be treated by a medical professional, many common penis issues can be treated, or even prevented, by knowing penile health tips, using care, cleanliness and, in some cases, applying a penis crème containing penis vitamins and minerals. Most health reports indicate that men are often uncomfortable talking with their doctors about penis health problems, electing to deal with pain or discomfort rather than endure the embarrassment of discussing penis issues, such as a sore penis, with a health care provider. Five of the most common causes of a sore penis are described here, along with hints for keeping the penis skin smooth, supple and healthy.

1. Frequent masturbation or aggressive sex – Rough handling is one of the primary reasons that most men experience a sore penis from time to time. Vigorous sexual activity or masturbation, especially without proper lubrication, can leave the penis skin sore and sensitive for days. Ensuring that the skin is properly moisturized and well-nourished through the use of crèmes containing penis nutrients such as vitamins A and D can help to alleviate the soreness caused by friction and promote overall healthy, attractive penile skin.

2. Dry penis skin – Dry and flaking skin of the penis can often lead to soreness if left untreated. Dry skin can occur as the result of friction from sex or from sensitivity to certain cleansers and the spermicides that are often found in condoms. Treating the skin with a moisture-rich formula (shea butter is often recommended by dermatologists for sensitive penis skin) can help to keep the skin smooth and supple and to retain its natural hydration.

3. Penis rash – Penis rash, which may result from dry skin, sensitivity to chemicals such as soaps or spermicides, or fungal infections, may cause soreness, itching and discomfort. Boosting the body’s natural immune ability through treatment with a nutrient-rich penis crème containing vitamins C and B5 can increase resistance to infection and allow the skin to heal quickly after minor surface damage.

4. Infections of the penis skin – Minor infections of the skin are common, especially in the warm, moist environment of the genital area. Bacterial and fungal infections can lead to inflammation, causing a sore penis that is tender to the touch. Keeping the skin moisturized can prevent small fissures from forming in the outer dermal layer which may allow harmful bacteria to enter; vitamin-rich penis treatments that moisturize and protect are recommended for maintaining a healthy penis.

5. Peyronie’s disease – Over time, masturbation, sex, and minor injuries to the skin may result in a buildup of scar tissue under the outer dermal layer of the penis skin, which can cause the penis to bend or curve whenever an erection occurs. This condition, known as Peyronie’s disease, can lead to a sore penis and discomfort during sex. Although there is no known cure for this unpleasant problem once it develops, men of all ages may prevent it from occurring by keeping the penis skin in top condition through the use of penis-specific nutrients that work to prevent minor damage to the delicate dermal tissue of the penis.

Preventing sore penis and other penis health problems

In order to prevent common penis issues such as sore penis, dry and flaking skin, infections, rash, and other uncomfortable penis problems, it is important to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, consuming a nutritious diet, and practicing good hygiene. Men should also be selective in their choice of sexual partners and use appropriate protection during sex.

In addition, treating the skin with a nutrient-rich penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is formulated with penis-specific vitamins and minerals on a daily basis can help to ensure that the penis skin stays smooth, supple, and responsive to stimulation.